Saturday, January 31, 2009


I find it comical that I'm usually the one who's late. Last night I was reminded to "make sure I woke up in plenty of time". I'm still waiting on my counterpart to arrive. I suppose I could kill time by putting on my socks, but at this point it is irrelevant. If he has forgotten to wake up...I won't have a license.
Isn't it funny how the choices of others can impact us so greatly? Every choice the EX president of this country made sent us spiraling further and further into the world of economic depression. His silly decisions affected not only the United States' economy...but the world's.
This example, however, is much more critical than the fact that my "fiancee" is late to pick me up. He is supposed to be taking me to the DMV so that I may pay them an exuberant sum of eighty-five dollars to receive a copy of my restricted license. It's actually his fault that my license is restricted in the first place. It's also his fault that I have to do community service, RU Aware classes, and VASAP classes. All of these things cost a pretty penny to be punished with.

Where are you, love?

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have realized, through my many excursions in my first semester of college life that it is very much akin to the experience one would have when attempting suicide...and failing. College is so unneccessarily excessive that I have half the mind to take out a petition against the ethics behind this torture sentence.
Okay, enough of me pretending to be smart.
This first blog is an introduction; a look into the mind of a girl who probably shouldn't have an opinion. I don't like college. I don't like my classes. And I don't like my friends...well most of them.
So...what do I like?
Not much; in fact, I can't think of anything at all that I like or love without reservation. Don't you miss the older days where you could pretend you were a princess and it felt so real?
If I tried to imagine myself as a princess, I would be locked in a dungeon with no food or water.
How romantic.